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Stove Board - Wood Stove Wall Protection

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Stove Boards & Hearth Pads - Double Cut, Single Corner Cut, Wall Boards & Risers

Stove boards and hearth pads are essential wood stove accessories that can be used beneath wood stoves, or on the wall behind them, to protect floors and walls from embers and intense heat. Our stove boards are constructed with fireproof materials like ceramic, porcelain, and steel over a mineral board. The stove boards are available in a variety of colors and styles to not only protect floors and walls but also add a finished and attractive look to hearth areas. Northline Express is partnered with the top US manufacturers (WoodEze, HY-C, American Panel, and more) to offer a large selection of stove boards to meet your needs whether you are looking for a standard, double cut, or single cut hearth pad or stove board, or need a wall board spacer kit or hearth pad riser.

Wood Burning Stove Heat Shield

Wood stove wall boards are constructed from a number of fire-resistant materials such as: concrete, tile, slate, glass, limestone, or resin. Stove boards come in many decorative styles, They are classified in one of two types. Type 1 are considered "Fire Resistant" and protect against damage from flying embers. Type 2 stove boards add "Heat Resistance" and are used as thermal protection for walls and floors around and beneath a word stove. Type 2 stove boards tested to meet UL1618 safety standards for wall protection.

How to Install Stove Board - Spacer Kit?

You should install a stove board spacer kit on the wall where you want the stove board. The spacer kit is attached to the wall, not to the stove board because screwing into the wall board would compromise it's integrity. The wall board will attach to the wall resting on "L" brackets and rest up against the spacer kit. This will provide a space of 1" behind the wall board for air flow and additional insulation for the wall

What is Stove Board Made Of?

Options for stove board construction include materials such as concrete, tile, slate, glass, limestone, or resin. Each material has a different level of thermal resistance or R- value. The higher the R-value, the more resistant a stove board for floor is to heat transference. Make sure that the R-value and thickness of your stove board meets all applicable safety standards and the stove manufacturer's recommendations for your specific application. The different materials allow you to customize the look of your stove, but the overriding concern is to find something flame and heat resistant.

Installing a stove board with an air space between it and the wall provides increased thermal protection and can help reduce the material thickness required for the stove board and the clearance requirements to combustible surfaces required for the wood stove.

If you have questions, our friendly expert customer service professionals are ready to provide the answers you need via phone or email, Take a moment to browse our outstanding selection of hearth pads and stove boards beautifully crafted in the USA by the top manufacturers at incredible values. Northline Express can provide everything you need to safely install and customize your wood stove including expert advice and recommendations.