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SkeeterVac Mosquito Trap Placement

Jun 12th 2020

SkeeterVac Mosquito Trap Placement

Although the Blue Rhino SkeeterVac is one of the most successful mosquito traps on the market, like any other mosquito trap it will not reach its full potential of killing mosquitoes if it is improperly placed on your property. The Skeeter Vac mosquito trap is designed to mimic a human or animal host and its primary purpose is to draw the pesky insects away from you and kill mosquitoes for you.

Although not everyone's yard is set up the same and you may not be able to follow all of these mosquito trap placement guidelines, you should follow as many of them as you can in order to optimize the mosquito traps performance and increase the catch rate while trying to get rid of mosquitoes.

1. Locate primary mosquito breeding area and place SkeeterVac upwind

Female mosquitoes will fly upwind to feed. By placing the SkeeterVac upwind, the exhaust from the fan on the Skeeter Vac will blow CO2 and an attractant called octenol out of the unit along with heat and moisture. Mosquitoes are drawn to the CO2, octenol, moisture and heat thinking it is a mammal. Once they feed, generally mosquitoes will fly back to their resting areas on a downwind current. However, in this case, the SkeeterVacs powerful fan will have either pulled them into the trap or on to the TacTrap strip where they will dehydrate and die.

SkeeterVac is the only product on the market to provide attractant customization to specific outdoor environments. Different species of mosquitoes and different physical locations may require a lesser or greater amount of octenol output. The FineTune BaitBlock system allows for 5 different settings to vary the amount of octenol output. Once adjusted for your area the catch rate will increase.

SkeeterVac also allows use of the Lurex attractant, which targets the Asian Tiger mosquito. Asian Tiger mosquitoes as well as different physical locations may require an adjustment of the Lurex output. The system allows for 5 different settings to vary the amount of Lurex output. The catch rate will increase, once you have found the right settings for your area.

Locate SkeeterVac upwind

2. Avoid high traffic areas

  • Place your SkeeterVac 30-40 feet away from outdoor living areas so that mosquitoes and other biting insects will be drawn to the mosquito trap and not you this way you can avoid getting mosquito bites. The Skeeter Vac should be placed as close to the breeding area as possible and away from areas that are frequented by humans and animals.

3. Avoid trap obstructions

  • CO2 is heavier than air. Therefore, it stays close to the ground. The mosquitoes will follow the CO2 plume to the trap. If the SkeeterVac is placed in high grass the flow of the plume will be impeded and the mosquitoes will have a harder time locating the trap.

4. Place the SkeeterVac in the shade

  • Most mosquitoes don't like the heat of the direct sun. As the sun rises and sets, mosquitoes come out of their resting places. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are the exception in the mosquito species and will feed during the day even in direct sunlight however, traps will still effectively kill them as they also like to rest in the shade.

We hope this SkeeterVac placement article will help you learn how to kill mosquitoes and gain mosquito control over your property by picking the perfect location for your mosquito trap.

Shop the SkeeterVac SV5100