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Skeetervac Octenol Bait Block Refills - 6 Pack

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$172.50 $190.94
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Skeeter Vac Octenol Bait Block Refills - 6 Pack

Are you tired of unwanted mosquitos, black flies, and no-see-um crashing your outdoor gatherings? Then it's time to break out the big guns with the Skeeter Vac Mosquito control systems and get rid of those pesky insects for good. 

Bait Block "Octenol" is an EPA-registered secondary attractant that mimics human breath. It is used in Skeeter Vac traps to attract biting insects including mosquitoes and no-see-ums. and is made right here in the U.S.A.

Brought to you by Blue Rhino, designed to attract and trap mosquitos

Skeeter Vac mosquito traps are brought to you by Blue Rhino, a leader in the outdoor living industry. Mosquitoes track down hosts by sensing carbon dioxide, their primary cue along with moisture and heat from breath, body odors, and color contrasts. Skeeter Vac mosquito traps create a combination of these cues. This tricks the insects into thinking the trap is a host. Then it finishes off the job by trapping and eliminating those biting pests so your outdoor experiences are safer and more enjoyable.

Skeeter Vac Bait Blocks come in a convenient 6 pack and once you use it, you will see why it is one of the most popular mosquito repellent products on the market. 

Skeeter Vac Fine Tune Bait System is the only product on the market to provide attractant customization to specific outdoor environments. The various species of mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums, and other unhealthy pests and different physical locations may require varying amounts of Octenol output. The Fine Tune Bait Block system allows you to adjust the different settings to vary the amount of Octenol output. Once adjusted for your area the catch rate and attraction power will help free your living space from unhealthy pests such as black flies, mosquitos, and other biting insects.

Product Specifications:

  • 1 Bait Block replacement Per Package
  • Replacement Fine Tune Bait Block
  • Brought to you by the trusted name of Blue Rhino
  • Used on all model Skeeter Vacs
  • Increase catch rates by 10%
  • Works best if replaced every 60 days
  • Attracts, traps, and kills mosquitos, black flies, no-see-ums, and other unhealthy pests
  • Bait Block can be used in units that use the Bait Chips. Simply put the bait block inside the net of the machine.
  • Fine Tune Bait System output can be adjusted to give you attractant customization
  • Skeeter Vac produces the best mosquito-reducing system products on the market

Skeetervac Bait Block accessories work with all models including sv35, sv3100, & sv5100

If you're in need of bait block refills this handy six-pack will keep your living space free of mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums, and other unhealthy pests for up to 12 months. Remember with the fine tune bait system you have full attractant customization to help control the insect population in physical locations within your living space during all hours of the day. The Skeeter Vac Octenol Bait Block Refills give a new level of quality performance at lower prices compared to other brands. Backed by the trusted name of Blue Rhino this system will help give you back your living space.

The Octenol Bait Blocks attract most mosquito species, including salt marsh mosquitoes, as well as no-see-ums and black flies. The insects are attracted by the greater amounts of Octenol and are drawn to the Skeeter Vac trap where they are captured. 

The attractant Octenol increases your catch rates up to 10 times! Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance; they may transmit diseases that are a serious health threat to people and pets. It will lure biting insects to the Skeeter Vac trap and away from you and your family.

Cannot ship USPS Priority International.

Additional Skeeter Vac products including the Mosquito Vac and Tac Traps can be found here.

You can also check out Resource Library to learn more about Mosquito Control.

FAQs - Skeeter Vac Octenol Bait Block Refills

How long does a Skeeter Vac bait block last?

The Bait Block refills for the SkeeterVac can last up to two months. It is recommended to change them out every 60 days.

Where do you put the Skeeter Vac system?

The SkeeterVac Systems are only designed for outdoor use and should not be placed closer than 10 feet to any structure.

Is octenol safe?

When released into the air, Octenol is not harmful to humans, to other non-target organisms, or to the environment. There is the potential for toxicity if ingested and there are First Aid instructions on the back side of every product package if this does happen.

Does the Skeeter Vac really work?

The SkeeterVac mosquito trap systems are designed to be operated 24 hours a day to help reduce the nuisance of mosquitoes. It attracts female mosquitoes that are seeking a blood meal to nourish their eggs. By removing these females you also remove their eggs. Attracting, trapping, and killing just one mosquito at the start of the mosquito season can prevent the birth of up to 25,000 more mosquitoes that season alone! 

How long does it take for Skeeter Vac bait blocks to work?

If used consistently you should notice a reduction in mosquitos in your physical location within 4 to 6 weeks. It is recommended to change out the blocks at least every 60 days.

The SkeeterVac is the only product on the market to provide attractant customization to specific outdoor environments. Different species of mosquitoes and different physical locations may require a lesser or greater amount of Octenol output. The FineTune BaitBlock system allows different setting to vary the amount of Octenol output. Once adjusted for your area the catch rate will increase. Includes 6 Refills
10.13 (in)
8.13 (in)
7.50 (in)
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Mosquito Trap Accessories
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