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SkeeterVac Maintenance & Manuals

Jun 5th 2020

SkeeterVac Maintenance & Manuals

Having trouble with your SkeeterVac mosquito trap? Most likely the solution is a simple fix. Follow our suggestions below and if you're still having problems please don't hesitate to call and one of our trained customer service representatives will be happy to help.

SkeeterVac SV5100 Mosquito Trap

SkeeterVac Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Solution
SkeeterVac Won't Start Propane tank is low or empty Replace or refill the propane tank
LP gas leak
  • Turn off LP gas.
  • Tighten all fittings.
  • Turn on propane gas valve and check for gas leak by spraying or wiping a water and soapy mixture around the fittings. Bubbles will appear if there is a leak.
  • Also see Checking for Leaks (pdf).
  • Igniter button operable?
  • Turn off LP tank.
  • Press the igniter button.
  • If you hear a clicking sound, the igniter is working.
  • If you do not hear clicking sound replace battery.
  • If you still don't hear a clicking sound replace the igniter.
  • If If still not working call our Customer Care at 1.888.753.7137
  • Too much air in hose line
  • Connect propane gas tank per Connecting LP Gas Tank instructions.
    Caution: Keep this appliance area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline, other flammable vapors and liquids and open flames.
  • Turn gas valve slowly to 'OPEN'.
  • Press and hold control valve button for up to 3 minutes.
  • Try and light SkeeterVac per Lighting Instructions every 30 seconds until you hear a POP sound indicating ignition.
  • If still not working refer to Regulator needs to be reset
  • Filter Blocked
  • Turn off propane tank per Turning Off instructions.
  • Disconnect gas per Disconnect LP Gas Tank instructions.
  • Remove Regulator/Hose Assembly at SkeeterVac engine.
  • Remove filter. The filter may need to be replaced if clogged. A replacement filter can be ordered here and are easily replaced.
  • Reconnect Regulator/Hose Assembly at SkeeterVac engine.
  • Perform leak check per Checking for Leaks instructions.
  • Light SkeeterVac per Lighting Instructions.
  • Regulator needs to be reset
  • Turn off gas per Turning Off instructions.
  • Disconnect gas per Disconnect LP Gas Tank section.
  • After 30 seconds, reconnect propane gas tank per Connect LP Gas Tank instructions.
  • Slowly turn propane tank valve to OPEN.
  • Perform leak check per Checking for Leaks instructions.
  • Light SkeeterVac per Lighting Instructions.
  • Too damp or wet
  • Connect propane tank per Connecting LP Gas Tank instructions.
    Caution: Keep this appliance area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline, other flammable vapors and liquids and open flames.
  • Turn propane gas tank valve slowly to OPEN.
  • Press and hold control valve button and igniter button for up to 3 minutes or until the needle on the engine gauge should begin to move into the Green zone, the LED lights will be flickering and the vacuum fan will be running with air flow out of the engine bottom, indicating ignition is complete.
  • If still not working refer to Regulator needs to be reset, then repeat steps 1 through 3.
  • Engine not functioning properly Propane gas tank is low or empty Replace or refill propane tank.
    LP gas leak
  • Turn off propane tank.
  • Tighten all fittings.
  • Turn on gas valve and check for gas leak by spraying or wiping a water & soapy mixture around the fittings. Bubbles will appear if there is a leak.
  • Also see Checking for Leaks (pdf).
  • Ventilation blocked
  • Turn off propane gas tank per Turning Off instructions.
  • Disconnect propane tank per Disconnect LP Gas Tank instructions.
  • Check ventilation openings and air-inlet to make sure clear of debris.
  • Clean SkeeterVac per Clean and Care Instructions.
  • Fan not working
  • Verify the SkeeterVac has been running for at least 10 minutes.
  • Use a pencil and slowly turn fan blades.
  • If fan blade continue to turn on their own, allow SkeeterVac to continue to run.
  • If fan blades are stopped, turn off propane gas tank per Turning Off Instructions and clean SkeeterVac mosquito trap per Clean and Care Instructions.
  • SkeeterVac turns off suddenly Out of gas Replace or refill LP tank.
    Overheat protection switch (heat sensor) turned ON

    Be sure the SkeeterVac mosquito trap is not in direct sunlight. While this is not normally a problem, on very hot days the SkeeterVac could overheat. Move the SkeeterVac to a shady area if at all possible.

  • Turn off propane gas tank per Turning Off instructions.
  • Disconnect gas tank per Disconnect LP Gas Tank instructions.
  • Let engine cool for 30-45 minutes.
  • Connect propane tank per Connect LP Gas Tank instructions.
  • Light SkeeterVac per Lighting Instructions.
  • After 5 minutes of operation, verify LED lights and fan are working properly.

  • SkeeterVac Cleaning and Routine Service

    Caution: All cleaning and maintenance should be done when SkeeterVac is cool and with the fuel supply disconnected.
    Caution: DO NOT clean any SkeeterVac part in a self cleaning oven.
    Caution: This SkeeterVac should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected on a regular basis.

    Before Each Use:
      * Keep the SkeeterVac area clean and free from any combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids.
      * Do not obstruct the flow of the combustion of LP and the ventilation air.
      * Keep the ventilation opening(s) of the propane gas tank area free and clear from debris.

    Cleaning Instructions & Routine Service
    To ensure maximum performance and to lengthen the life of your SkeeterVac mosquito trap, perform these steps each time your tank is empty. SkeeterVac mosquito traps will consume a standard 20# propane gas tank at between  18-30 days depending on the model.

    Note: While unit is in use, check the following every 2-3 days:

  • Check WaveDrawer and clean (if necessary).
  • Check air passages for blockage.

    1. Turn LP tank valve to CLOSED.
    2. Disconnect LP gas tank per Disconnect LP Gas Tank instructions.
    3. Remove empty tank replace with full LP gas tank.
    4. Slide WaveDrawer cover onto WaveDrawer.
    5. Remove WaveDrawer, empty and clean.
    6. Slide WaveDrawer back into place.
    7. Remove WaveDrawer cover.
    8. Remove used TacTrap and dispose of properly.
    9. Slide fresh TacTrap in place and remove protective paper.
    10. Remove Finetune cover by turning counterclockwise.
    11. Remove used FineTune octenol lure (if necessary) and properly dispose. Note: Finetune Lure lasts 60 days.
    12. Remove fresh FineTune lure from package (if necessary). Dispose of packaging properly.
    13. Place Finetune lure back into holder with holes orienting upward.
    14. Replace Finetune cover.
    15. Select the lure output by adjusting the Finetune cover.
    16. Check engine and gas lines for any sign of damage or missing parts. Repair any problems before attempting to start.
    17. Reconnect gas line to LP tank by turning knob clockwise.
    18. Remove tank cover from empty LP gas tank and place on full propane gas tank.
    19. Perform leak check.
    20. Light per Lighting Instructions.
    21. Wash hands with soap and water.

    End of Season Storage
    To lengthen the life of your SkeeterVac mosquito trap, perform these simple steps at the end of the mosquito season.

    1. Turn propane gas tank valve to CLOSED.
    2. Disconnect propane gas tank per Disconnect LP Gas Tank instructions.
    3. Remove tank cover.
    4. Remove propane gas tank.
    5. Place the protective cap cover on the propane tank and store the tank outdoors in a well ventilated area out of direct sunlight.
    6. Remove and properly dispose of the TacTrap and FineTune lures. Remember, bugs will be attracted to the octenol scent so it is important to remove the FineTune octenol in order to not attract bugs that may nest in your Skeeter Vac.
    7. Cover your SkeeterVac mosquito trap to protect from dust and nesting bugs and store it in a cool dry place. We recommend covering the engine and propane supply hose of your Skeeter Vac with a garbage bag and sealing tightly to keep out unwanted nesting insects like spiders, wasps, and other bugs that can clog the small orifices in the gas supply and engine orifices.
    Caution: Storage of an outdoor gas appliance indoors is only permissible if the tank is disconnected and removed from the outdoor gas appliance.

  • SkeeterVac Mosquito Trap Owners Manuals

    Image Model Number Owner's Manual
    SkeeterVac SV1000 Mosquito Trap R English
    SkeeterVac SV2000 SkeeterVac SV2000 Mosquito Trap English
    SkeeterVac SV200A SkeeterVac SV2000A Mosquito Trap English

    SkeeterVac SV27 SkeeterVac SV27 Mosquito Trap English

    SkeeterVac SV3000 SkeeterVac SV3000 Mosquito Trap English
    SkeeterVac SV35 SkeeterVac SV35 Mosquito Trap English

    SkeeterVac SV3500C SkeeterVac SV3500C Mosquito Trap English/French
    SkeeterVac SV5000 SkeeterVac SV5000 Mosquito Trap English
    SkeeterVac SV15 SkeeterVac SV15 Mosquito Trap English/French
    SkeeterVac SV3100 SkeeterVac SV3100 Mosquito Trap English
    SkeeterVac SV3501C SkeeterVac SV3501C Mosquito Trap English/French
    SkeeterVac SV5100 SkeeterVac SV5100 Mosquito Trap English

    SkeeterVac mosquito traps are typically quite reliable with a minimum amount of maintenance. One of the most important aspects of maintaining your SkeeterVac is to put it away as soon as the mosquito season is over. Turn off and remove the propane tank, empty the WaveDrawer, remove the TacTrap, remove the FineTune octenol lure and cover the engine and propane supply hose with a garbage bag sealed tightly. Doing so will keep unwanted nest building insects like spiders and wasps out of the gas supply lines and orifices. Leaving your SkeeterVac outside and uncovered while not in use will attract spiders and other bugs that can clog the inner workings of the SkeeterVac.

    Shop the SkeeterVac SV5100