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How to Install PelletVent Pro Chimney Systems

Jun 9th 2020

How to Install PelletVent Pro Chimney Systems

PelletVent Pro is a venting system designed for stoves and inserts that use corn, pellet, and oil fuel. (Rated for continuous use flue temperatures up to 57 degrees F.) Its double wall, air-insulated design offers superior performance. Factory-sealed seams on all elbows, tees, and fittings. Simpson Dura-Vent has been recognized as the industry leader in venting systems for pellet stoves. No gaskets or sealants are required to achieve leak-resistant connections (unless specified by the appliance manufacturer). Constructed of laser-welded, double wall pipe of .012 inch 304 stainless steel inner walls and .012 inch laser-welded galvalume outer walls. Select components are available in black to enhance interior aesthetics. Available in 3" and 4" diameters. Approximately 3 out of every 4 pellet stoves in the US and Canada are vented with a Simpson Dura-Vent pellet system. PelletVent Pro carries a limited-lifetime warranty.

  • 1" clearance to combustibles in the USA for appliances using pellets, corn, or oil. 1" clearance to combustibles in
  • Canada for oil-burning (type L vent) appliances.
  • 3" clearance to combustibles in Canada for pellet- and corn-burning appliances.
  • C-UL Listed to UL 641 (MH8381 and MH14420).
    ULC Listed to ULC-S609, ULC/ORD-C441 (file #CMH1439 and CMH1440).
Typical Installations

Using the Typical Venting Installation drawings, select the appropriate component parts for your installation.

The inner pipe diameter should match the outlet size of the appliances. For installations that require 4" vent and the appliance has a 3" outlet, use an increaser adapter 3"-4".

Check the appliance manufacturer's installation instructions to confirm which types of vent configurations are permitted (i.e. horizontal, vertical, chimney reline, etc.). Also, check for any venting restrictions such as maximum horizontal run, minimum and maximum vertical rise, maximum offset, etc.

Be fire-safe!

Maintain the minimum clearances (air-space) between the vent and nearby combustibles, as specified in the appliance manufacturer's installation instructions. Use proper support and bracing. Follow local building codes and have your venting system inspected.

Pellet Stove InsertPellet Stove Insert

Cathedral Ceiling Stove InstallationCathedral Ceiling Stove Installation

Masonry Chimney ReliningMasonry Chimney Relining

Attic OffsetAttic Offset

Through-The-Wall Vertical RiseThrough-The-Wall Vertical Rise


Installation Key
1 Vertical Cap
2 Storm Collar
3 Flashing
4 Cathedral Ceiling Support Box
5 Straight Length Pipe
6 45 Degree Elbow
7 Appliance Adapter
8 60" Flexible Length
9 90 Degree Elbow
10 Round Horizontal Cap
11 Wall Thimble
12 Ceiling Support Firestop Spacer
13 Tee w/Clean-Out Tee Cap
14 Wall Strap
15 Attic Insulation