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How to Install DVL Double Wall Stove Pipe Through the Ceiling

Jan 25th 2023

How to Install DVL Double Wall Stove Pipe Through the Ceiling

This Article has been approved by our on staff NFI Certified Specialists & Master Hearth Professionals

Properly installing DVL double wall stove pipe is a great way to keep your home safe and warm. It is designed to create a strong seal, preventing smoke, toxic fumes, and other airborne particles from entering your home. Knowing the proper steps for installation can save time, money, and frustration.

Guidelines Before the Installation: What I need & Clearance

Before installing the DVL double wall stove pipe, you will need to understand the guidelines. There are different types of stove pipe, a single wall stove pipe requires an 18-inch clearance to combustibles, and double wall stove pipe decreases the clearance required to 8". In some instances or installation, you may not have enough clearance to allow for installation of single wall stove pipe; in these cases opting for double wall is your best option.

DVL stove pipe allows you proper ventilation and shorter clearances to combustible walls. If you live in a mobile home DVL will be your choice for stove pipe. Single wall stove pipe is not approved for use or installation in mobile homes. DVL is approved for use and installation in mobile home applications. The interior pipe and exterior on DVL is stainless-steel which is a longer lasting material than what you find in using the single wall pipe. The outer portion of the stainless steel is painted black to create a nice painted finished look inside your home.

Another feature DVL double wall stove pipe offers is DVL comes with an air insulated interior inside the pipe. This creates air space inside the pipe, allowing for air to pass through while your pipe is heating to create a more even and clean burn. DVL comes in a variety of lengths ranging from 6" - 48"; DVL also offers telescoping pipe pieces to allow the ease of installation in spaces that have odd lengths to prevent the need to adjust or cut any stove pipe. Please note DVL stove pipe cannot be cut to fit like some single wall pipe can.

Installation Procedures:

Now let's discuss how to properly assemble and install your DVL stove pipe system. We will touch base on all the pieces needed. In most cases you will need your adapter, your stove pipe, and ceiling support. In some cases, you will also need a stove top adapter which connects to your stove flue outlet and adapts to the stove pipe directly to start your installation

Stove Top Adapter Installation

Let's start with your stove top adapter, which will slide directly onto your wood stoves flue collar. The stove top adapter will be installed crimped side down towards your stove. In some cases, your wood stove will have screw holes in the flue collar to allow for you to screw your adapter directly to your stove flue; and sometimes they do not.

As the video above mentions each pipe of pipe will have a sticker attached which will show you the direction of flow for the pipe to be installed. In the case of the adapter, you will want to have your crimped side down as previously mentioned. The seam located on the adapter and all pipe is best to install to the back of the stove facing the wall, so you aren't seeing your stove pipes seam in your room. You will just set the adapter onto the collar and just press down slightly to create a good seal; be careful not to press too hard as you can damage the adapter with too much force.

This concludes the installation of the stove top adapter.

Installation of Chimney Adapter

The next piece we are going to install is the chimney adapter. Your chimney adapter consists of two components that have a round portion that will connect to your DVL double wall pipe and then it has the actual adapter itself. First thing is first, you will slide the stainless adapter section inside the black adapter portion. Keep in mind again all pieces have a seam on the pipe. You will want to turn that to the back to face the wall to hide the seam. You will insert the combined adapter into your ceiling support box carefully as not to bend the stainless center. Once your adapter is in place you will now want to secure the adapter to your ceiling support with the black self-tapping screws provided with your adapter. This will conclude the installation portion of your ceiling adapter. As we move on to the next steps you will want to install from the ceiling down; this will ensure your stove is in perfect placement for a straight installation.

Installation of Straight Pipe Length

In the same fashion as the adapter, we will follow the top-down method for the installation of the straight length of pipe. Then We will use the telescoping piece later to line up the stove with the top portion to ensure everything is straight and lined up properly. Since the telescoping piece allows for adjustment where-as the straight pieces do not. Since in most cases your stove won't be lined up perfectly at first until we get to the last piece. Why move around a large appliance multiple times, when you can limit it to once?

Remember as previously mentioned each piece will have a sticker with an arrow to tell you which side is down (air flow arrow will point upwards). Crimped ends on straight pieces of pipe will always point down towards the wood stove. You will slide your straight pipe into your adapter piece seam side towards the wall as to hide it from view in the front, but keep in mind they will not line up with each other in a line. You will have a little off center, and that is okay. Line up the pre-drilled hole sections from the pipe piece and your adapter, and then you will use your self-tapping black screws again to secure that pipe to the adapter section.

This will complete the installation of your straight piece to your ceiling adapter where you can continue with your adjustable telescoping pipe to your wood stove.

Telescoping Pipe in DVL Installation

Telescoping Pipe is perfect because it helps make the installation easy, you don't have to have exact measurements or exact lengths of pipe pieces. You can use the telescoping piece to adjust to the lengths you need without worry. In some cases, you can use a slip connector in lieu of a telescoping piece depending on the height you need to cover. Keep in mind anytime you are using DVL or DuraBlack stove pipe you cannot cut the pipe to fit your install height. Therefore, telescoping pieces or slip connectors take out the guess work.

Let's talk about assembling the telescoping pieces together. One of the pieces have the flow noted on the bottom of it pointing up; this will be your bottom piece. The other piece does not contain a sticker, this will be your telescoping adjustable piece. Your inside piece that is going to slide into the other is going to have one end with the air insulated holes (this will be the part at the top) the other end will not have the air insulated holes; this will be the part that slides into your main piece up and down.

You will want to be careful when sliding the piece that slides inside as not to scratch it up when sliding it up and down to get the right length. This process can sometimes be difficult, and scratches will be present. Have no fear you can touch them up with high temperature black stove paint in no time. You can grab some with your stove pipe order to have on hand for your installation.

Once you have your telescoping pieces together partially, you can now take your telescoping piece and put it on the top of your stove at the stove top adapter. The telescoping piece will slide over the top of the stove top adapter, where you will line up the pre-drilled screw holes with the ones in your adapter. Don't forget the seam should be facing towards the back of the stove! This is where your first connection will happen and be secured. You don't want to secure the bottom with screws just yet, so hold that thought. We want to ensure the pipe is level, and straight with the top piece so you have a straight run of pipe without connection issues.

The next step will be sliding the telescoping section up and making that connection to the top stove pipe that is already connected at your ceiling support. Once you have them connected you will want to check the top piece is firmly connected to your stove pipe above, and your pre-drilled holes are lined up with each other. Once you have confirmed this, go ahead and secure that piece with "one" screw for now. We still need to be sure our pipe is lined up correctly and level before completing with all the screws.

Once you have your one screw in the top piece you will want to check with a level if your pipe is level or if it's not. If not, this is where you can move your stove to line it up properly to create that nice level run to be able to secure your pipe the remainder of the way. If you have a hearth board that may also need adjustment. Once you have made adjustments check with your level on the stove pipe front and back and once level in both places, we can wrap up with securing our telescoping section.

Installing and Securing the Final Screws

You should now have everything installed. The final screws are attached and secured at its point in your install. Go ahead and add the other 2 screws at the top of your telescoping piece to your straight pipe, add your screws at the bottom where it connects to the stove top adapter, and finally don't forget to secure your piece in the middle to prevent slipping of your pipe.

If you had shifted the stove, you are going to need to adjust you stove board which can be quite challenging and may require a helper or two.

Before you fire up your wood stove, you will want to wipe all the pipe down to remove any residue or grease your fingers may have left behind during the installation and fingerprints left behind. If that’s heated up and burns, those marks will remain permanent. Windex and a towel work wonders for this part.

Before firing your wood stove, don't forget to remove all the stickers from your pipe. We always recommend keeping the stickers in a safe place in the event you need to replace any pieces in the future. Since all pipe is brand specific and they do not interchange, it's best not to have to guess which pipe you have later. You can easily remove the glue residue left behind with some Windex and a cloth.

If you buy any single wall stove pipe or double wall DVL, we recommend grabbing a couple cans of high temp black stove paint that we have for retouching and repainting any areas or marks that may have happened during the installation.

This will complete your DVL Double Wall Stove Pipe guide to installation!