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How to Choose the Right Wood Stove

Jun 9th 2020

How to Choose the Right Wood Stove

This Article has been approved by our on staff NFI Certified Specialists & Master Hearth Professionals Purchasing a wood stove is a life long investment that will provide warmth for your fam …

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DuraVent DuraPlus Chimney System

Jun 9th 2020

DuraVent DuraPlus Chimney System

DuraPlus is a triple-wall, 2100° HT (high temp) all-fuel chimney system designed for appliances that require a UL 103 HT chimney system, such as wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, …

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What is Creosote-Getting Rid of Creosote

Jun 9th 2020

What is Creosote-Getting Rid of Creosote

Creosote - What is it and How Can I get Rid of it? By definition, creosote is simply unburned wood particles and condensed flue gases which deposit on the inside of the chimney. The creosote f …

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FAQs About Electric Patio Heaters

Jun 9th 2020

FAQs About Electric Patio Heaters

FAQs About Electric Patio Heaters Electric patio heaters are extremely effective outdoor heating appliances because unlike gas patio heaters, they use radiant heat to directly warm the pe …

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How to Clean a Chimney

Jun 9th 2020

How to Clean a Chimney

Chimneys need periodic examination and thorough cleaning with a chimney brush to maintain efficiency and to reduce the chance of a chimney fire. Build-up of creosote and soot that accumul …

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How to Install a DuraVent Snow Splitter

Jun 9th 2020

How to Install a DuraVent Snow Splitter

If you live in an area that has heavy snowfalls or you have a metal roof your chimney is at risk for snow damage. Sliding snow will slam into your Class A Chimney and can, and most likely will, …

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