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How the SkeeterVac Works

Jun 12th 2020

How the SkeeterVac Works

SkeeterVac Mosquito Trap

Blue Rhino SkeeterVac mosquito traps are the cream of the crop when it comes to mosquito control equipment. Not only do they make outdoor activities more enjoyable, SkeeterVac mosquito traps also create a safe outdoor environment by permanently eliminating disease carrying mosquitoes. SkeeterVac mosquito traps are effective at attracting, trapping and killing mosquitoes and other biting insects with innovative technologies that offer immediate and long-term protection from mosquito bites.

This article explains how ever every component of the SkeeterVac is specifically designed to eliminate mosquito populations. The information provided below will give you the knowledge and know how you need to get the mosquito control results you want.

CO2 Attractant

The SkeeterVac creates its own power

SkeeterVac mosquito traps are cordless units that create their own power to attract, trap, and kill mosquitoes. Skeeter Vac trap models are able to do this by converting propane to electricity through a catalytic conversion system. During the conversion process, propane enters the catalytic converter and is expelled as warm CO2. SkeeterVac mosquito traps utilize a powerful fan to disperse the produced CO2 and an attractant called octenol. The CO2 by-product and octenol along with moisture and heat, attract mosquitoes to the Skeeter Vac by the swarms.

Once mosquitoes get close enough to the trap, a powerful fan draws them inside of the trap where they collect in a bug tray. Some mosquitoes will be drawn to the dark colors of the black and white TacTrap surrounding the SkeeterVac engine and will get stuck to the sticky TacTrap. In any event, whether they collect inside of the trap of on the outside of the trap, mosquitoes are effectively killed by dehydration.

Bait Block

BaitBlock System

The SkeeterVac uses advanced technology

SkeeterVac mosquito traps used advanced techniques to kill mosquitoes. Both the SkeeterVac SV3100 and SV5100 use an Exclusive FineTune BaitBlock system. In fact, SkeeterVac models are the only mosquito traps on the market that use the BaitBlock system. The FineTune BaitBlock System allows the SkeeterVac to adapt to specific outdoor environments and target specific species of mosquitoes by allowing you to control the amount of octenol the trap releases at any given time. The FineTune BaitBlock System has 5 different settings so you can adjust it to release lesser amounts of octenol or greater amounts when necessary. The catch rate of the SkeeterVac will be significantly increased once the BaitBlock System is set to the proper setting for the area.

Wave Drawer


Skeeter Vac mosquito traps also use a patent-pending WaveDrawer to get rid of mosquitoes. The WaveDrawer on the SkeeterVac allows the trap to operate efficiently with minimal loss in vacuum power as the trap captures mosquitoes. Both the SV3100 and SV5100Skeeter-Vac models have been re-designed with the WaveDrawer on the top of the trap to avoid maintenance issues that appeared with less advanced, earlier models.

LED Lighting LED Lighting

SkeeterVac mosquito traps also use LED light technology to kill mosquitoes. The SV3100 and SV5100 use a 5-color "motion" lighting system to lure mosquitoes to the trap. The LED light technology increases the attraction levels of mosquitoes, especially hard to catch aggressive day biters like the Asian Tiger mosquito.

The SkeeterVac uses multiple attractants

SkeeterVac mosquito traps offer tremendous protection from mosquito bites by using a variety of attractants to draw mosquitoes away from you and to the trap. Aside from using LED lighting, CO2, heat, moisture, and octenol, an attractant that simulates human breath to attract mosquitoes, SkeeterVac traps also use Lurex3 attractant to lure mosquitoes.

Lurex3 simulates human sweat and has been found to be very effective at attracting the Asian Tiger mosquito while octenol has not. Just like octenol attractant, the release of Lurex3 is also controlled by the FineTune BaitBlock System and can be released from the trap in 5 different variations to adjust to the area.

SkeeterVac mosquito traps break the breeding cycle

Since SkeeterVac mosquito traps are cordless, they can be placed near or directly in mosquito breeding areas. Once female mosquitoes catch a hint of the heat, moisture, LED lighting, CO2, and attractants that are expelled from the mosquito trap, they adapt a zig-zag pattern and head straight for the trap thinking it is a blood host. By capturing and killing female mosquitoes, SkeeterVac mosquito traps prevent future generations of mosquitoes from being produced.

After about 4-6 weeks of operation the SkeeterVac traps will break the breeding cycle and reduce mosquito populations significantly. In order to be successful at breaking the breeding cycle, be sure to follow Skeetervac placement guidelines and be patient as it may take trying a few different locations on your property to achieve the best results and highest catch rates.

For best chances at interrupting the breeding cycle, SkeeterVac mosquito traps should be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During 24/7 operation, a full 20 pound propane tank will last for about 19-21 days, and the BaitBlock will last up to 60 days. The Sticky TacTrap on SkeeterVac mosquito traps should be replaced when they are 80% covered with mosquitoes. Replacing attractants, propane, and TacTraps as needed will keep your SkeeterVac operating to its full potential.

Shop the SkeeterVac SV5100

Watch the SkeeterVac in action