Jun 19th 2020
Choosing a Canopy Tent
Whether you are planning a BBQ, entertaining, camping, or displaying products at a craft show a canopy offers shelter from the scorching sun and the weather as well. In addition to providing shelter from the elements, they can also be used for backyard storage and garages as well. There are many different styles and types of canopies to choose from and it is important that you are familiar with the different types, the uses, and the pros and cons of specific canopy types. This will ensure that you are getting the right canopy for your needs.
What to consider before you buy a canopy...
Before you buy a canopy you should consider the following: what are you going to use the canopy for, how much space do you have, and how many people is the canopy going to need to accommodate? Next, consider if you are looking for protection from rain and sun or just sun. It is also important to consider the terrain of the area that you are going to use the canopy as some require ground anchors. Another consideration should be how often are you going to use the canopy. Is it going to be taken up and down on a regular basis or put up and left up?
There are three general types of canopies, instant canopies, sometimes called pop-up canopies, pole tents, and frame tents. Whichever style canopy you choose they are all available with side wall options and most canopies are going to be topped with canvas or polyester fabrics.

Instant canopies
Instant canopies are the easiest canopies to use. They offer a quick shade source and are designed for short term use making them perfect for camping, trips to the beach, and BBQs. Set up requires no tools and takes only minutes. Instant canopies usually only require one person for assembly and are lightweight and portable. They are also designed to be compact and have convenient carrying bags which fit in a trunk with room to spare. Pop up style canopies are going to be the most inexpensive canopy style.

Frame Tents
Frame tents are great for small to medium sized outdoor events or short term shelters. Frame tents are supported by poles and do not require center poles or tension for use. They are still easy to set up but because they are larger they can require more than one person to set up. Frame tents are often the style that you see used for car ports and portable garages. If not properly anchored, or left standing year round, they can become damaged in poor weather conditions.
Most Pole Tents have a huge variety of sizes and styles. These tents are supported with center and perimeter poles and also require tension to be created by staking the tent. These are meant for large events like outdoor weddings, circuses, or other events that will require shelter for a longer period of time. They are also going to be the most expensive, heavier, and complicated to assemble. Pole tents will be the most durable canopy style.
Figuring out what type of canopy tent to buy is the first step in making a good decision when purchasing a canopy. Keep reading the rest of our Canopy series; next we will help you figure out the right size canopy for your event!