Jun 16th 2020
Chimney Pipe Installation Planning Worksheet
Fill out the form below and submit it to receive a quote for your new chimney system. A knowledgeable sales associate will contact provide you with your quote with in 48 hours.

1. Fuel Type (wood stove, pellet stove, etc.)
2. Diameter Required (refer to manufacturer’s instructions from the appliance you are installing)
3. How Do You Plan to Install? (Through-the-wall, through-the-ceiling - flat ceiling or cathedral ceiling?, chimney relining?)
4. Do You Currently Have Chimney Pipe? (What brand? What diameter?)
5. Do You Have a Preference of Double Wall or Triple Wall Chimney Pipe?
6. Do You Have a Preference of Single Wall or Double Wall Stovepipe ? (How close to a wall do you need to be? Minimum of 6˝ with double wall, 18˝ with single wall)
7. What material is your roof covered with?(Shingles? Metal?)
If Roof is Metal; What is the height and width of ridges?
What is the distance between ridges?
8. Measurements (We need the following measurements to calculate a quote for you)
Ceiling Height (Measure from the ceiling to the floor in the room that you are installing appliance)
Appliance Height (Measure the height of the appliance you are installing.
Does your appliance vent out the top or out the back?
Number of Stories (Measure from the ceiling to the floor for every story the chimney will be going through)
Attic Height (Measure from the roof to the bottom rafter)
How far horizontally will your chimney pipe be from the peak of your roof? (Minimum of 3 ft. from roof. If measurement is greater than 5 feet an extended roof bracket is mandatory.)
Roof Pitch Ceiling Pitch (if cathedral)
List any abnormal specifications (i.e. Any offsets or other information we may need)
Your Contact Information
Name: Email Address: Daytime Phone:
Address: Fax Number: Zip Code