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Chimney Liner Warranties

Jun 17th 2020

Chimney Liner Warranties offers the top brands in Chimney Liner available. Lifetime Chimney Liners and Duravent Brand Chimney Liners are great choices for homeowners to extend the longevity of their chimney and provide maximum efficiency for heating their homes. We know how important it is to obtain a great warranty on your investment, so we've provided a easy guide below to determine which Chimney Liner is the best for you! Our customer service is always available to answer any of your questions,call 1-877-734-2458 to speak with a Chimney Liner specialist.

Chimney Liner Warranty Comparison Chart: Lifetime Chimney Supply VS. DuraVent

Lifetime Chimney Warranty Requirements

  1. To be covered under the Lifetime Warranty your Lifetime Chimney Liner must be installed by a certified solid fuel installer, in accordance to the written instructions provided with your liner. Any deviations or improper installations will void the warranty.
  2. Annual inspections, maintenance and cleaning must begin one year after the date of the installation and continue once every twelve months thereafter by a certified chimney sweep or a qualified solid fuel professional.
  3. The chimney must have a Lifetime Chimney Supply chimney cap.
  4. Corrosive chemical chimney cleaners must not be used and their use will void the warranty.
  5. Driftwood or wood pellets containing salt, treated lumber, plastics, the chimney sweeping log or trash must not be burned and doing so will void the warranty.
  6. The maintenance record must be up-to-date.
  7. Never use a metal chimney cleaning brush. We strongly recommend the use of a plastic bristle chimney cleaning brush as metal brushes can damage the liner and will void the warranty.
  8. In case of a chimney fire the liner must be inspected and cleaned by a certified chimney sweep or a qualified solid fuel professional before reuse. If you should need to make a claim under the conditions of this warranty, you must contact the original installer who will provide Lifetime Chimney Supply, LLC. with information about your claim. Should a factory inspection of the defective parts in question be required by Lifetime Chimney Supply, Lifetime Chimney Supply will pay the shipping cost for the return of the defective parts in question. If Lifetime Chimney Supply deems the parts to be defective, Lifetime Chimney Supply will replace the parts at no cost to the original purchaser and said replacement will be Lifetime Chimney Supply’s exclusive and final remedy under this warranty.
  9. For Northline Express's 5 Year Home Owner Installed Warranty all aforementioned requirements must be met with the exception of professional original installation. Within 5 years of the purchase date ONLY.
  10. Adobe PDF File Icon Download the Lifetime Chimney Supply Warranty Here

Lifetime Chimney Liner

Lifetime Chimney Liner, better known as the DIY Chimney Liner comes in single wall or smooth wall liner sections. Lifetime Chimney is backed by a LIFETIME warranty when installed by a certified solid fuel professional. These products are known to last throughout the lifetime of its original installation. Lifetime Chimney will still warranty their liner in the event you sell your home, or ownership changes. So even generations to come will be covered by this warranty. Once your chimney is installed be sure to do yearly maintenance, and keep a record of all cleanings as your warranty coverage depends on it.

All Lifetime Chimney Liners and products are made right here in the USA with pride and lasting workmanship.

Lifetime Chimney liner is Northline Express's preferred liner of choice. Why do you ask? Because Lifetime Chimney has one of the best warranties in the industry without a bunch of fine print or loop holes. Their chimney liners are UL Listed with 316L grade stainless steel built to withstand the severe constant conditions within your masonry chimney. Lifetime Chimney Systems are a low cost, affordable, and dependable approach to chimney liner installations.

  • Single Wall Liner Kits

Single Wall Liner Kits are economical, strong, flexible, and fully covered by a Lifetime Warranty. Available in round or oval, and UL Listed to 1777 zero clearance standards. Made of Stainless Steel meant to last and withstand even the harshest chimney environments.

  • Smooth Wall Liner Kits

Smooth Wall Liner Kits are double wall liners that are built for super strength and long-lasting durability. The smooth inner wall delivers up to 20% greater draft over equal sized corrugated pipe. Smooth Wall Liners are available in round or oval sections, and UL Listed to 1777 zero clearance standards. Made of Stainless Steel your longevity over galvanized liners is by far superior and meant to last a lifetime.

Are you a Do-it-yourself homeowner, who would rather install your liner on your own than paying for installation? Well this liner is also for you! Northline Express stands behind our Lifetime Chimney Liners 100%; enough to back our do-it-yourself homeowners by a 5-year warranty if you install this liner yourself. Simply follow the installation instructions as recommended, keep a detailed yearly maintenance record, and contact us if your liner becomes damaged or fails to operate properly. We will replace your liner within the first 5 years.

This product line is meant to last, and they do so we are confident the warranty will never have to be utilized for the life of the chimney.

Unlike other brands that have many requirements to utilize their warranty in the event it is needed Lifetime is far superior in keeping the fine print out of the purchase. No other manufacturer can beat it! Purchase your Lifetime Chimney Liner with confidence and ease. Our customer service department is available to discuss any questions about our #1 Rated Liner at any time.

Attention: Always consult your appliance manual, as well as your local building codes office to insure proper installation of any fuel burning appliance. All installations must be done in accordance with written instructions and local building and zoning laws.

Lifetime Chimney Liner

Lifetime Chimney Liner

Lifetime chimney liners are specifically engineered with high quality 316L grade stainless steel to withstand the severe constant conditions present within your masonry chimney. Lifetime Chimney Systems are offered at the lowest possible prices.

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DuraVent Warranty Requirements

  1. To be covered under the limited lifetime warranty your DuraVent Chimney Liner must be installed by a certified solid fuel installer. DuraVent defines a professional installer as one of the following; licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, or WETT Certified Professionals. DuraVent's warranty does not cover do-it-yourself or homeowner installations of any kind, and this will immediately void your warranty..
  2. The Limited warranty warrants that the product will be free from defects in material or manufacturing, if properly installed, maintained, and used.
  3. The warranty is transferrable from the original homeowner to a buyer of the home.
  4. This warranty does NOT cover normal wear and tear, smoke damage, or damage caused by chimney fires, or acts of God.
  5. This warranty does not cover if the product was purchased other than from an authorized DuraVent dealer, retailer, or distributor.
  6. The warranty does not cover if the product was modified or altered in any way, improperly serviced, inspected, or clean or subject to negligence or any use not in accordance with the installation instructions provided.
  7. Limited Lifetime: DuraVent provides the following warranties for its products: One Hundred Percent (100%) MSRP 15 years from the date of purchase, and Fifty Percent (50%) thereafter.
  8. All warranty obligations of DuraVent shall be limited to repair or replacement of the defective product pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to each product line. These remedies shall constitute DuraVent’s sole obligation and sole remedy under this warranty. This warranty provides no cash surrender value.
  9. Corn, bio-fuels, driftwood or other wood containing salt, preservative-treated lumber, plastic and household trash or garbage, or wood pellets containing such materials must not be burned in the appliance or fireplace. In case of a chimney fire, the chimney must be inspected and approved by a certified Chimney Sweep before reuse. After each annual inspection, maintenance, and cleaning, the certified Chimney Sweep must fill out and date the appropriate section of the warranty card provided with the chimney liner.
  10. DuraVent provides no warranty if the products are not installed by a qualified professional installer. For purposes of this warranty, a trained professional installer is defined as one of the following: licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, or WETT Certified Professionals.
  11. DuraVent must be notified and given the opportunity to inspect defective product prior to replacement under the terms of this limited lifetime warranty. All warranty claims must be submitted with proof of purchase. Labor and installation costs are not covered under this warranty.
  12. Adobe PDF File Icon Download the DuraVent Warranty Here

DuraVent Relining Systems

DuraVent was the first to market with new innovations in venting systems. DuraVent has captured a leadership position in these emerging markets. With Scientifically proven materials and engineering DuraVent products are one of the leaders in professional quality venting products. They are committed to providing the industry with cutting edge products that meet the demands of toy's heating product market.

DuraVent offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty on their relining products that is covered ONLY if installed by a professional Installer. DuraVent defines a professional installer as one of the following; licensed contractors with prior chimney installation experience, CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, NFI Certified Specialists, or WETT Certified Professionals. DuraVent's warranty does not cover do-it-yourself or homeowner installations of any kind, and this will immediately void your warranty. For do-it-yourself installations please see Lifetime Chimney Liners to accommodate your needs.

What is a Limited Lifetime Warranty? DuraVent provides the following warranties for its products: One Hundred Percent (100%) MSRP 15 years from the date of purchase, and Fifty Percent (50%) thereafter when installed by a professional certified solid fuel installer as depicted above.

  • DuraLiner

DuraLiner is a high-temperature, insulated double-wall masonry relining system for use with appliances fueled by gas, pellet, oil, wood, or coal. It safely protects masonry chimneys from the damaging effects of flue product condensation. Made of .016" 304 Stainless Steel inner liner, and galvalume outer wall.

  • DuraFlexAL

DuraFlexAL is made of single wall .010" aluminum Listed to UL1777 and ULC S635 Standards. DuraFlexAL is an aluminum flexible relining system for masonry chimneys. Use with Natural gas, or liquid propane category 1, draft hood equipped appliances, and applications tested and listed to use Type B Gas Vent only. For use with natural gas fireplaces, gas fired furnaces, boilers, water heaters, and wall or space heating applications. Not for use with any other fuel types.

  • DuraFlexSS

DuraFlexSS Pro is a flexible steel liner for strength and flexibility. Its extreme flexibility facilitates problem free installations where multiple offsets are needed. DuraFlex Pro is manufactured utilizing highly corrosion resistant 316 Stainless Steel. Listed to UL 1777 and ULC S635.

  • DuraFlexSS SW

DuraFlexSS SW is a smooth inner-wall, flexible stainless-steel chimney liner. The smooth inner wall provides for no output reduction allowing for full appliance efficiency. Smooth wall construction eliminates ridges that restrict flue gas flow and collect deposits. The lack of ridges facilitates cleaning and maintenance. DuraFlex SW is ideal for relining masonry chimney for wood and gas burning appliances. Listed to UL 1777 standards

  • DuraFlex 316 & 304

DuraFlex 304 and 316 are lighter, more economical liners. Excellent when there are minimal offsets in the chimney. DuraFlex 304SS and 316SS are intended for wood burning, non-condensing gas and oil-fired appliances. Where greater corrosion resistance is desired, such as coal-fired appliances, DuraFlex 316 is recommended. DuraFlex 304SS and 316SS are listed to UL 1777 and ULC S635.

Attention: Always consult your appliance manual, as well as your local building codes office to insure proper installation of any fuel burning appliance. All installations must be done in accordance with written instructions and local building and zoning laws.

DuraVent Chimney Liner

Duravent Chimney Liner

DuraVent is a recognized technological leader in the chimney vent pipe industry. Consistently the first to market with new innovations in venting systems, DuraVent has captured a leadership position in emerging markets. DuraVent has patents for several products and continues to design safe and technologically advanced venting.

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Chimney Liner Warranties