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Chimney Cleaning Videos

Jun 16th 2020

Chimney Cleaning Videos

How to Prevent a Chimney Fire

Melissa Talks about Chimney Fire Prevention with Mike Bently from Gerrish Township Fire and EMS.

Why Chimney Maintenance Is Important During The Burning Season

Regular cleaning and chimney maintenance are the best ways to prevent the excessive build up of creosote.

How and Why to Clean a Class A Chimney System

Whether you are an infrequent burner or you use your heating appliance as supplemental heat you should be cleaning your chimney on a regular basis.

Chimney Cleaning using the Brush & Rod Top Down Method

In this video Melissa will demostrate how to clean a chimney using the brush and rod top down method

Repairing a Chimney Crown with the Brushable Chimney Crown Repair

In this video Melissa will show you how to repair your chimney crown with the Brushable Chimney Crown Repair.

Cleaning your Chimney Using the Pulley Chimney Cleaning Method

In this video Melissa will show you how to clean your chimney using the pulley chimney cleaning method

Tips for Preventing Chimney Fires

In this video Melissa goes over Tips for Preventing Chimney Fires

Choosing The Proper Chimney Rods For Your Chimney Run

In this video Melissa shows you how to choose the proper chimney rods for your chimney