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How to Apply Mosquito Barrier

Jun 15th 2020

How to Apply Mosquito Barrier

Applying Mosquito Barrier

When spraying your mixture of Mosquito Barrier you want to hit everything. Cover all grass, standing water, shrubs, into tree branches up to about 12 feet if possible and under porches and decks where water may be standing. Spray the shorelines of creeks or ponds (mosquitoes are also born in mud). Best spraying time is late in the evening 1 hour before sundown.

Mosquito Barrier is a concentrate and should be mixed with water for application. Generally a 3 - 4% (approx. 4 oz.) mixture of Mosquito Barrier is sufficient for moderate infestations. Up to a 5% or more mixture can be used for serious infestations. A combination of either soybean or canola oil, Ivory or non-scented liquid soap should also be added to the mixture if there is standing water in the area.

If there is NO STANDING WATER in the area use this formula:

Mix 4 ounces of Mosquito Barrier into one gallon of water. Stir well and spray about an hour before sundown.

  • 1 Gallon water

  • 4 Ounces Mosquito Barrier

If there is STANDING WATER in the area - add a vegetable oil to the mixture using this formula:

For each one gallon of water, add 4 ounces of Mosquito Barrier plus 2 ounces of either Soybean Oil or Canola Oil (found in your local grocery store's cooking oil section) and 1 teaspoon of Ivory liquid soap or any other non-scented liquid soap (not detergents). Stir well and spray about an hour before sundown.

NOTE: The oil is used to put a coating of oil on the standing water to suffocate mosquito larvae. Soap helps the garlic oil mix well with water.

  • 1 gallon water

  • 1 Teaspoon liquid soap

  • 4 Ounces Mosquito Barrier

  • 2 Ounces soybean or canola oil

Note: The oil will help the mixture stick to grass, leaves, plants etc. as well as coat any standing water with a thin film suffocating mosquito larva.


If you are spraying 1/2 acre or less you can use a canister type sprayer. Canister type sprayers are available at almost any hardware, lawn and garden, and home improvement store. Most hold from 2 to 3 gallons of liquid and generally cost about $16-$20 each. Canister sprayers must be pumped up with air pressure and they have a wand for spraying. The formula for a 2 gallon canister sprayer is: 8 ounces Mosquito Barrier, then fill canister with water. Mix well and spray.

Garden hose-end sprayers are not recommended because they are generally very inaccurate and the droplet size is larger than desired. However, if you insist on using a Garden hose-end sprayer - there are two types, one type has a dial for ounces per gallon and the other does not have a dial. For both types, mix 12 ounces of Mosquito Barrier with 20 ounces of water and use this mixture to completely fill the container. On the dial type, set the dial on 2 ounces per gallon, or 4 tablespoons per gallon. Normally it takes about 7 minutes to empty the container with the garden hose on full blast, so you need to be quick, or fill it again until you have covered everything we recommend.

One gallon of Mosquito Barrier is generally enough for the whole Summer mosquito season. Sprayed every 3 weeks, for the average half acre residential lot, one gallon is enough for 10 applications, if necessary.

Mosquito Barrier is a patented product.


Best results are achieved by using 20 gallons of water per acre, plus at least 25 ounces of Mosquito barrier, plus 25 ounces of one of our recommended oils and 2 ounces of soap. Use a droplet size of 350-400 microns or medium size mist (not large droplets).

INSTRUCTIONS FOR LARGE AREAS - 5 ACRES OR MORE (Parks, Golf Courses, Ball Fields, etc.) :

1 gallon of Mosquito Barrier mixed with 1 gallon of either soybean or canola oil. Add 98 gallons of water and 8 ounces of Ivory liquid dish washing soap or (as an alternative) 1 gallon of insecticidal soap (available from local nurseries). Mix well.

The oil helps with standing water and puddles for suffocation of larvae. However, if you are not able to obtain one of our recommended oils to use as a sticker, excellent results are achieved by mixing one part of Mosquito Barrier with 99 parts of water and spraying everything.

Spraying Tips:

  1. When mixing, mix the Mosquito Barrier, oil and soap together and then add it to the water. Stir the entire mixture until homogeneous. If you have very hard water, add a bit more soap to make everything mix well.

  2. When spraying grass with the wand on the end of your pump-up canister type sprayer, hold the wand nozzle about 8 inches above the grass and sweep it back and forth. Make sure the spray gets deep into the grass and use a small spray droplet size.

  3. Spray all dark places such as under porches, in vents leading to basement or beneath the house, even spray sides of house, porches, driveways and areas that are not covered with grass - this all helps.

  4. So long as you use at least a 3- 4% solution of the garlic (meaning at least 4 ounces of Mosquito Barrier per gallon of water) your mixture will be correct. You may use more. Many of our professional spray people use 5 to 7 ounces of garlic per gallon of water. This does not harm plants or animals and works very well.

Spraying for Ticks

There are a few things you'll need to know to effectively repel ticks from your yard and around your house. Mosquito Barrier doesn't kill ticks on contact but it does repel them. Ticks are carried into your yard by animals such as deer or squirrels. A tick will "hang out" in tall grass and on tall weeds as well as on fence posts, wood siding on your home or shed and in shrubs and bushes. They like damp places. They will wait for you to brush against the tall grass or shrub and will cling to you. Knowing this, spraying for ticks is much like spraying for Mosquitoes with a few exceptions:

  • There's no need to spray standing water or the leaves in a tree. Ticks wait for their prey relatively close to the ground. Do make sure you spray the trunk of the tree. Also make sure you spray all wood fence posts in the area. Spray the wood siding on your home up to a height of about 5 or 6 feet from the ground.

  • You should also spray under porches and in dark, shaded areas (they rest there in heat of the day). Spray grass, shrubs and all greenery. Don't forget to spray woodpiles and re-stack any firewood - where they may be hiding. Keep grass cut and eliminate tall weeds. Try to keep children and pets inside a sprayed, fenced area. After the first spraying, which should be 2 applications, repeat spraying in 7 days and thereafter about every 3-4 weeks during tick season.